Last week I posted some sketches of this gag (which is maybe less gag and more editorial illustration). The first sketch was probably the most promising (so often the case) but others brought up some other interesting possibilities. So my first task was to redraw the first sketch, then ink it up.
Here’s the redrawn sketch:
The other idea I thought worth exploring was “which pen”. The pen is mightier, fine, but which pen is the mightiest? I’m not sure this is going anywhere but I’m not giving up.
Another idea came out of this too. Sure the pen is mightier, but what about the caption, isn’t it mightier still? Many cartoonists might think so.
Stay tuned.
And check out a new substack by cartoonist @JasonChatfield, whose first post is a fantastic piece about the whole process of developing a New Yorker cartoon, from sketch to sale.