Lately, I find myself shopping and just leaving things in the cart. I’m worried about retirement I suppose. Also, my impulsiveness. (“Oh, I absolutely must have those plus fours!”)
Amazon sends me the occasional, easy to ignore, reminder. It makes me wonder if there’s a limit: “You have 10,000 items left in your cart. Proceed to checkout now.”
Or else what?
Is there a purchase dollar limit? “You have $700,000.00 in yet to be paid for purchases in your cart. Pay here with one click.” (And live the rest of your days in indentured servitude… or, perhaps delete the Lamborghini.)
And how exactly does delivery work when you have 53 items in your cart none of which is worth more than $10 but collectively your order is more than enough to qualify for free shipping?
Aren’t we all completely mystified by Amazon’s economics? Your $14.99 left-handed scissors shipped in a container from China, were flown 1000+ miles to the nearest larger city depot and delivered by truck to your town where someone walks your package to the door, and it did not cost you a dime for “shipping.” Something’s fishy but nobody dares ask. No wonder we are not surprised that Presidential candidates have become completely, implausibly, imaginary.
And let’s not even start to think about the carbon footprint. Or Elon’s 25million satellites strangling the planet.
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Here’s a constellation map to help you locate Cartius.
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And the scribble that started this whole ridiculous thing.