Just clowning around.
Might a more "cultural" approach to conflict get us a lot further toward peace?
Pity Ukraine, pity Gaza, pity Sudan and all the other places suffering violence. One has to ask though, can we “peaceful nations” not just stop manufacturing and supplying arms? Another question would be about NATO, an idea founded on the cold war mythos of West vs. East, which economically and socially is complete nonsense. Is it not 2023? Oops, 2024?!
Sigh… let’s change the subject. Let’s talk about clowns! Here are a few other drawings occupying the territory, as it were.
P.S. The send in the clowns cartoon references a very famous, very sinister clown movie called He Who Gets Slapped, from 1924, available on YouTube.
A few more clown drawings can be found on my website.
And I’m working on my sad clown face. Stay tuned!
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