Somebody on some social media channel was complaining the other day about the fact that they only had 200 likes. "Why bother?” they whined.
OK, sure that is a problem I suppose, says the guy who would be very happy with one (hint hint).
Not many likes is a problem maybe. But it’s not actually THE problem is it? Isn’t THE problem when you get into the game of thinking “likes” determine your worth?
I don’t know, I’ll have to ask my therapist.
I submitted these gag ideas to the New Yorker using their new automated Submittable thingy, which I take to mean NEVER getting through to an actual editor. Those days are over, and besides the NYer’s kind of over too.
But for cartoonists and others who enjoy learning about media, you can read a great article about how the New Yorker cartoon submission process works from Jason Chatfield’s new substack Process-Junkie.
And… now for the finale (soon to be behind a paywall for subscribers only?) an old sketch that never really found a caption.